Ghost Scouts: Hullabaloo at Camp Croak!



'In a booky world where many publishers are playing it solid and safe, Taylor Dolan is a breath of fresh air. I would give this series five stars out of five and say to you, go and crack open your kid's head (in a good way) and give the contents a stir. Y'all will thank me for it.' – SNORT! Blog

It's Visitor's Weekend at Camp Croak and Lexie Wilde and her band of Ghost Scout friends are looking forward to seeing their families. But when Grams doesn't appear, and instead someone claiming to be Lexie's mother arrives, Lexie doesn't know what to think. And when a Wish Wind suddenly flies through camp, causing chaos and mayhem, the scouts must use their best skills and badges to unravel the chaos that ensues. It most certainly is a hullabaloo at Camp Croak! GHOST SCOUTS UNITE! Raise your paws and show some claws!

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£6.99  £6.64
Guppy Publishing Ltd
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