Teen Cyberbullying Investigated: Where Do Your Rights End and Consequences Begin?

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This title helps teenagers learn to think before they click! How do teenagers know when they might be 'one click away from the clink'? Judge Tom Jacobs presents this powerful collection of landmark court cases involving teens and charges of cyberbullying, which includes: sending insulting or threatening emails, text, or instant messages directly to someone; spreading hateful comments about someone through emails, blogs, or chat rooms; stealing passwords and sending out threatening messages using a false identity; and, building a Web site to target specific people. Each chapter features the seminal case and resulting decision, asks readers whether they agree with the decision, and urges them to think about how the decision affects their lives. Chapters of this title also include related cases, important facts and statistics, and suggestions for further reading. With an ever-increasing number of serious cases of cyberbullying and school violence, this book is needed more urgently than ever. This title's interactive format can be used during classroom, or youth group discussion time, or as writing prompts. It includes real-life cases; a must-read for the 21st-century teenager. In this title, award-winning expert author offers advice on a timely topic. It features graphic-novel-style illustrations.

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Free Spirit Publishing Inc.,U.S.
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