The Sherlock Holmes Children's Collection: Mystery, Mischief and Mayhem



Sherlock and Watson - the original crime-fighting duo - are back to solve more mysteries! Smashing statues, painting horses, and solving ancient riddles are all in a day's work for this world-famous amateur detective and his faithful biographer.

An adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories, illustrated to introduce children aged 7+ to mystery books and the classics. Includes 10 FREE audiobooks! (QR codes inside)   This ten-book set includes A Scandal In Bohemia, The Copper Beeches, The Six Napoleons, The Engineer's Thumb, Charles Augustus Milverton, Silver Blaze, The Bruce-Partington Plans, The Musgrave Ritual, The Stockbroker's Clerk and The Final Problem.

Product Details

£69.90  £66.40
Sweet Cherry Publishing
Publish Date
Boxed Pack

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