From Lullabies to Literature: Stories in the Lives of Infants and Toddlers

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The ability to use language (speak, read, write) is not something that children suddenly or automatically develop. It is a culmination of experiences with language that begin at birth. Sharing stories (oral storytelling, books) and other “story experiences” (conversations, songs, poems, rhymes) with infants and toddlers is critical to building their emerging literacy skills. At the same time, it expands their experience and understanding of the world and is a wonderful opportunity for fostering close relationships between child and adult.

Sprinkled with helpful and delightful vignettes and ideas for stories to share, From Lullabies to Literature explains how the many types of stories are best used with very young children, with a particular focus on using books, and how caregivers can plan and provide story experiences most effectively, including by partnering with families.

Product Details

£22.99  £21.84
National Association for the Education of Young Children
Publish Date

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