Children's Non-Fiction

Amazing Asia: An Encyclopedia of an Epic Continent

Rashmi Sirdeshpande and Jason Lyon


Kay's Anatomy: A Complete (and Completely Disgusting) Guide...

Adam Kay and Henry Paker


Hell Followed With Us

Andrew Joseph White


Timelines of World History

Jane Chisholm and Various


A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You (Winner of the Blue...

Mike Barfield and Jess Bradley


The Jumbo Joke Book for Funny Kids

Andrew Pinder


Making A Baby: An Inclusive Guide to How Every Family Begins

Rachel Greener and Clare Owen


Cloudspotting For Beginners

Gavin Pretor-Pinney and William Grill


Can You Get Rainbows in Space?: A Colourful Compendium of...

Dr Sheila Kanani


How to Grow a Garden: Find a Plant for Every Place

Frances Tophill and Charlotte Ager


Rocket Science for Babies

Chris Ferrie



Bram Stoker


The Official Harry Potter Baking Book

Joanna Farrow


Adventures in Time: Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile

Dominic Sandbrook


The Funniest Jokes for 7 Year Olds

Macmillan Children's Books


Welcome to Our Table: A Celebration of What Children Eat...

Ed Smith, Laura Mucha, et al.
