Anthony Burton

Light Railways of Britain and Ireland

Anthony Burton and John Scott-Morgan


The Canal Builders

Anthony Burton


Josiah Wedgwood: A New Biography

Anthony Burton


Joseph Locke: Civil Engineer and Railway Builder 1805 - 1860

Anthony Burton


Life in the Mine

Anthony Burton


Canal Pioneers

Anthony Burton


A Performer's Guide to Music of the Classical Period: Second...

David Wyn Jones, Barry Cooper, et al.


The Anatomy of Canals Volume 2: The Mania Years

Anthony Burton and Derek Pratt


Britain's Canals: Exploring their Architectural and...

Derek Pratt and Anthony Burton


The Anatomy of Canals Volume 3: Decline and Renewal

Anthony Burton and Derek Pratt


Canal Builders

Anthony Burton


The West Highland Way: National Trail Guide

Anthony Burton


History's Most Dangerous Jobs: Navvies

Anthony Burton


Railway Builders

Anthony Burton


Matthew Boulton: Industry's Great Innovator

Anthony Burton and Jennifer Tann


Thomas Telford: Master Builder of Roads and Canals

Anthony Burton


Ten Engineers Who Made Britain Great: The Men Behind the...

Anthony Burton


A History of the Cotton Industry: A Story in Three Continents

Anthony Burton


Ocean Liners: A New History

Anthony Burton


Victorian and Edwardian Locomotive Portraits, Northern...

Anthony Burton


Taking the Train: Two Centuries of Railway Travel

Anthony Burton
