Geoff Shaw

Guardians of the Galaxy by Donny Cates Vol. 2: Faithless

Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, et al.


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1: The Final Gauntlet

Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw


Thanos By Donny Cates

Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, et al.


Guardians Of The Galaxy By Donny Cates Vol. 1

Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw


The Paybacks Collection

Geoff Shaw


Revenge Of The Cosmic Ghost Rider

Dennis 'Hopeless Hallum, Donny Cates, et al.


Thanos Wins By Donny Cates

Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw



Geoff Shaw

Guardians Of The Galaxy By Donny Cates

Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw


Cosmic Ghost Rider by Donny Cates

Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, et al.


Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance

Benjamin Percy and Geoff Shaw
