Jonathan Rose

Book History, vol. 10


Book History, vol. 9


Book History


Computational Acceleration for Medical Treatment Planning

William Chun Yip Lo, Jonathan Rose, et al.


The Literary Churchill: Author, Reader, Actor

Jonathan Rose


El arte de la negociacion: Una simulacion sobre la resolucion...

Jonathan Rose, Alexis Conrad, et al.


L'art de la negociation: Une simulation de reglement des...

John McLean, Jonathan Rose, et al.


Well Worth Saving: How the New Deal Safeguarded Home Ownership

Jonathan Rose, Price V. Fishback, et al.


Harlem: 125 Mart: Edward P. Bass Distinguished Visiting...

Jonathan Rose, Sara Caples, et al.


Love in the Age of Autism: Navigating a Joyful and Romantic...

Gayle DeLong, Jennifer Rose, et al.
