Sharon Katz Cooper

Gustave Eiffels Spectacular Idea: the Eiffel Tower (the Story...

Sharon Katz Cooper and Janna Rose Bock


A Day in the Life of a Polar Bear

Sharon Katz Cooper


A Day in the Life of a Penguin

Sharon Katz Cooper


When Crabs Cross the Sand: The Christmas Island Crab Migration

Sharon Katz Cooper and Christina Suzanne Wald


When Whales Cross the Sea: The Grey Whale Migration

Sharon Katz Cooper and Tom Leonard


When Crabs Cross the Sand: The Christmas Island Crab Migration

Sharon Katz Cooper and Christina Wald


Chinese New Year

Sharon Katz Cooper


Chinese New Year

Sharon Katz Cooper


Traditions & Celebrations Pack A of 7

Melissa Ferguson, Mariam Mohamed, et al.
