Tony Fleecs

My Little Pony: Friends Forever Volume 3

Christina Rice, Ted Anderson, et al.


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Volume 15

Ted Anderson, Thom Zahler, et al.


My Little Pony: Friends Forever Volume 6

Ted Anderson, Christina Rice, et al.


My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 5

Thom Zahler, Christina Rice, et al.


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Volume 13

Thom Zahler, Christina Rice, et al.


My Little Pony: Friends Forever Omnibus, Vol. 3

Christina Rice, Jeremy Whitley, et al.


My Little Pony: Adventures in Friendship Volume 4

Jeremy Whitley, Tony Fleecs, et al.


My Little Pony Art Is Magic! Volume 2

Tony Fleecs


My Little Pony: Feats of Friendship

Ian Flynn and Tony Fleecs


Stray Dogs

Tony Fleecs


Rick and Morty: Worlds Apart

Josh Trujillo, Tony Fleecs, et al.



Brad Simpson, Tony Fleecs, et al.

Stray Dogs: Dog Days

Tony Fleecs


Local Man Volume 1

Tony Fleecs and Tim Seeley


My Little Pony: 40th Anniversary Celebration--The Deluxe Edition

Sam Maggs, Jeremy Whitley, et al.


Rick and Morty: Deluxe Double Feature Vol. 2

Josh Trujillo, Tony Fleecs, et al.


Local Man Volume 2: The Dry Season

Tim Seeley and Tony Fleecs


Army of the Dead Forever

Tony Fleecs


Feral Volume 1

Tony Fleecs


Venom War: Wolverine/Deadpool

Tim Seeley, Tony Fleecs, et al.


Army of Darkness Forever volume 2

Tony Fleecs


Feral Volume 2

Tony Fleecs


Feral Volume 3

Tony Fleecs


Uncanny Valley

Tony Fleecs and Dave Wachter


Stray Dogs: Omnibite Edition

Tony Fleecs
