By Aberfeldy Watermill Bookshop, Gallery & Cafe

Home Learning

The Home Education Handbook: A comprehensive and practical...

Gill Hines and Alison Baverstock


Teaching on a Shoestring: An A-Z of everyday objects to...

Russell Grigg and Helen Lewis


National Trust: I Am the Seed That Grew the Tree, A Nature...

Fiona Waters and Frann Preston-Gannon


Slimy Science and Awesome Experiments: Amazing Tests and Tricks!

Susan Martineau and Kim Hankinson


Quick Crafts for Parents Who Think They Hate Craft

Emma Scott-Child


Phonics at Home: Help your child with letters and sounds

Kate Robinson and Sarah Hoyle


The Kitchen Pantry Scientist Chemistry for Kids: Science...

Liz Lee Heinecke and Kelly Anne Dalton


The Wild Weather Book: Loads of things to do outdoors in...

Jo Schofield and Fiona Danks


Draw With Rob

Rob Biddulph


Brain-fizzing Facts: Awesome Science Questions Answered

Dr Emily Grossman and Alice Bowsher


A to Z of Art for Kids



Maths Games for Clever Kids®

Gareth Moore and Chris Dickason


Amazing Art for Creative Kids

Emily Kington
