By Chicken and Frog Bookshop

Middle Grade

The Imaginary: Now on Netflix

A.F. Harrold and Emily Gravett


Morgan Charmley: Spells and Secrets

Katy Birchall


Malice in Underland

Jenni Jennings and Hannah Peck


Sona Sharma, Very Best Big Sister

Chitra Soundar and Jen Khatun


Agents of the Wild: Operation Honeyhunt

Jennifer Bell and Alice Lickens


Butterfly Brain

Laura Dockrill and Gwen Millward


Lori and Max and the Book Thieves

Catherine O'Flynn


Unipiggle: Unicorn Muddle

Hannah Shaw


Attack of the Heebie Jeebies

Tom (Author/Illustrator) Percival


The Maker of Monsters

United Kingdom) Gregory Essex Lorraine (


Darwin's Dragons

Lindsay Galvin


The Biggest Footprint: Eight billion humans. One clumsy giant.

Rob Sears and Tom Sears


The Philosophy Resistance Squad

Robert Grant


The Lion Above the Door

Onjali Q. Rauf
