My favourite books of 2022... so far!
By Simon’s BooksBoys Don't Cry: 'I can't remember ever reading something so moving.' Marian Keyes
Fiona Scarlett
£9.99 £9.49
Companion piece: The new novel from the Booker-shortlisted author of How to be both
Ali Smith
£16.99 £16.14
Beneath the White Coat: Doctors, Their Minds and Mental Health
This is a recently published book about doctors' mental health, edited by the former Chair and current President of the Royal College of GPs and founder of the Practitioner Health Programme. I've had the pleasure of meeting Clare Gerada a couple of times and found her to be inspirational. I read this book and was surprised by how much of myself I recognised in the descriptions of doctors' personalities, and the aspects of their work they find particularly challenging. I found the practical content on "surviving and thriving in medicine" insightful and helpful. The chapter on burnout in doctors, and how most doctors have periods of burnout in their career, was particularly relevant to me right now, after two exceptionally demanding years of pandemic practice. There is much to think about in here, and much of immediate practical value. It is brilliant.