Little Women: A Retelling Finding Her Feet The Day the Hiccups Took Over Call of the Titanic
Wild Ajay and the Jaipur Moon Nightjar Surprisingly Sarah
Kofi and the Rap Battle Summer How to Survive The Future Until the Road Ends: From the bestselling author of When the Sky Falls The Wall Between Us
The Thief of Farrowfell City of Stolen Magic Looshkin: Oof! Right in the Puddings! (a Phoenix Comic Book, from the million-selling Jamie Smart, Illustrator of the Year) The Kingdom Over the Sea: The perfect spellbinding fantasy adventure for holiday reading

New Children's Books - Summer 2023 ⛱️☀️🍦

By Dyslexic Librarian

By Dyslexic Librarian

New Children's Books - Summer 2023 ⛱️☀️🍦

Little Women: A Retelling

Laura Wood


Finding Her Feet

Eve Ainsworth and Luna Valentine


The Day the Hiccups Took Over

Jo Simmons and Lee Cosgrove


Call of the Titanic

Lindsay Galvin



Ele Fountain


Ajay and the Jaipur Moon

Varsha Shah and Sonia Albert



Katya Balen and Richard Johnson


Surprisingly Sarah

Terri Libenson


Kofi and the Rap Battle Summer

Jeffrey Boakye


How to Survive The Future

Larry Hayes


The Wall Between Us

Dan Smith


The Thief of Farrowfell

Ravena Guron and Alessia Trunfio


City of Stolen Magic

Nazneen Ahmed Pathak and Sandhya Prabhat


The Kingdom Over the Sea: The perfect spellbinding fantasy...

Zohra Nabi and Tom Clohosy Cole


Adam Wins the Internet

Adam Beales and James Lancett


The Thames and Tide Club: The Secret City

Katya Balen and Rachael Dean


Luna and the Treasure of Tlaloc

Joe Todd Stanton


The Evil Secret Society of Cats Vol. 3



Operation Banana

Tony Bradman and Tania Rex



Hilary McKay and Keith Robinson


Suitcase S(witch)

Aisha Bushby and Coralie Muce


The Boy Who Stole the Pharaoh's Lunch

Karen McCombie and Anneli Bray
