Precipice Wind and Truth: The brand new epic Stormlight Archive novel from the international bestseller The Wood at Midwinter: The Times Top Ten bestseller Think Again
Gliff What Does it Feel Like? The Proof of My Innocence Odyssey
The Great When: A Long London Novel We Solve Murders Tell Me Everything Precipice
Wind and Truth: The brand new epic Stormlight Archive novel from the international bestseller The Wood at Midwinter: The Times Top Ten bestseller Think Again Gliff

New Fiction in Hardback

By The Riverside Bookshop

By The Riverside Bookshop

New Fiction in Hardback


Robert Harris


Wind and Truth: The brand new epic Stormlight Archive novel...

Brandon Sanderson


The Wood at Midwinter: The Times Top Ten bestseller

Susanna Clarke


Think Again

Jacqueline Wilson



Ali Smith


What Does it Feel Like?

Sophie Kinsella


The Proof of My Innocence

Jonathan Coe



Stephen Fry


The Great When: A Long London Novel

Alan Moore


We Solve Murders

Richard Osman


Tell Me Everything

Elizabeth Strout
