Dinosaur Firefighters When I'm a Monster Like You, Dad When I'm a Mummy Like You! Grumpycorn
Shoo! I Am NOT a Prince Jampires Dinosaur Firefighters
When I'm a Monster Like You, Dad When I'm a Mummy Like You! Grumpycorn Shoo!
I Am NOT a Prince Jampires Dinosaur Firefighters When I'm a Monster Like You, Dad

Picture books by our students and tutors

By Curtis Brown Creative

By Curtis Brown Creative

Picture books by our students and tutors

Dinosaur Firefighters

Sarah McIntyre


When I'm a Monster Like You, Dad

David O'Connell and Francesca Gambatesa


When I'm a Mummy Like You!

David O'Connell and Francesca Gambatesa



Sarah McIntyre



Susie (Author) Bower and Francesca Gambatesa


I Am NOT a Prince

Rachael Davis and Beatrix Hatcher



Sarah McIntyre and David O'Connell
