Small but mighty : Short books to escape reading slumps...
By Lighthouse - Edinburgh's Radical Bookshop

Small but mighty : Short books to escape reading slumps...
Reading slump? Book hangover? We’ve all been there- yes even us booksellers!
Books are such a comfort to us and it's infinitely frustrating, especially in tough times, when that escape just doesnt seem to be there anymore. So! We had a wee think about reading hacks that have worked for us, and we asked readers on instagram and here is what we came up with:
1) Going short - try a novella, poetry, short stories, pamphlets or essays. Some of our faves are listed below!
2) Going wild - take up a reading challenge or subscription that will put new & unexpected books in front of you regularly.
3)Going at it together - read along with a friend or partner, or join a bookclub (We have 5! Three of which are still going online: Other Fruit, Women In Translation & Black Unicorn)
4) Going back - return to an old favourite, even something from childhood.
5) Graphic novels
And once you’ve made a little headway, make it a habit, and never go anywhere without your book!
We could all spend less time on what and how we should be reading, and more on what actually works for us. Reading can be many things, but it shouldn’t be a chore!
Here are a few short books that might fit the bill...