🔊 Sonic Wonderlands: Noise, Art, Sound and Field Recording 🎧

By Aye-Aye Books

By Aye-Aye Books

🔊 Sonic Wonderlands: Noise, Art, Sound and Field Recording 🎧

Deep Listening: A Composer's Sound Practice

Pauline Oliveros


Quantum Listening

Pauline Oliveros


Listen: On Music, Sound and Us

Michel Faber


Sounding the Gallery: Video and the Rise of Art-Music

UK) Rogers Liverpool The University of Liverpool Lecturer in Music Holly (Lecturer in Music


Listening in the Field: Recording and the Science of Birdsong

Maastricht University) Bruyninckx Joeri (Post-doctoral researcher


Silence: Lectures and Writings

John Cage



Caleb Kelly


Sonic Wonderland: A Scientific Odyssey of Sound

Trevor Cox


Colloquium: Sound Art and Music

Thomas Gardner and SalomA© Voegelin


Noise: A Human History of Sound and Listening

David Hendy


Future Sounds: The Temporality of Noise

UK) Kennedy Stephen (University of Greenwich


Noise Receptor Journal: Volume 1: sound with impact -...

Richard Stevenson


Silence: In the Age of Noise

Erling Kagge


Bernie Krause and United Visual Artists, The Great Animal...

Bernie Krause, Gilles Boeuf, et al.


In the Blink of an Ear: Toward a Non-Cochlear Sonic Art

School of the Art Institute of Chicago) Kim-Cohen Seth (Professor


Sound Art: Sound as a Medium of Art


Background Noise, Second Edition: Perspectives on Sound Art

Norway) LaBelle Brandon (Bergen Academy of Art and Design


The Sound Studies Reader


Sound: An Acoulogical Treatise

Michel Chion


Space is the Place: The Lives and Times of Sun Ra

John Szwed


Haunted Weather: Music, Silence, and Memory

David Toop


Sinister Resonance: The Mediumship of the Listener

UK) Toop David (London College of Communication


Phantasmic Radio

Allen S. Weiss




Extremely Loud: Sound as a Weapon

Juliette Volcler


Sound: A Story of Hearing Lost and Found

Bella Bathurst



Allen S. Weiss


Special Sound: The Creation and Legacy of the BBC Radiophonic...

University of Nevada - Reno) Niebur Assistant Professor of Music Louis (Assistant Professor of Music


M: Writings, 1967-72

John Cage


Sonic Interventions


Stockhausen Serves Imperialism and Other Articles

Cornelius Cardew


Sonic Flux: Sound, Art, and Metaphysics

Christoph Cox


Sound Objects


MP3: The Meaning of a Format

Jonathan Sterne


The Voice in the Headphones

David Grubbs


Rumour and Radiation: Sound in Video Art

UK) Hegarty Paul (University of Nottingham


Ways of Hearing

Damon Krukowski
