It Takes Blood and Guts Just Kids: the National Book Award-winning memoir House of Music: Raising the Kanneh-Masons Chronicles Volume 1
Face It: A Memoir Born to Run Kraftwerk: Future Music from Germany (R)evolution: The Autobiography
To Throw Away Unopened M Train Year of the Monkey Crossroads: In Search of the Moments that Changed Music
A Year with Swollen Appendices: Brian Eno's Diary You Lose Yourself You Reappear: The Many Voices of Bob Dylan Last Chance Texaco: Mojo magazine's Book of the Year Finding the Raga: An Improvisation on Indian Music

Words on Music

By Gwisgo Bookworm

By Gwisgo Bookworm

Words on Music

It Takes Blood and Guts

Lucy O'Brien and SKIN


Just Kids: the National Book Award-winning memoir

Patti Smith


House of Music: Raising the Kanneh-Masons

Kadiatu Kanneh-Mason


Chronicles Volume 1

Bob Dylan


Face It: A Memoir



Born to Run

Bruce Springsteen


Kraftwerk: Future Music from Germany

Uwe Schutte


(R)evolution: The Autobiography

Gary Numan


To Throw Away Unopened

Viv Albertine


M Train

Ms Patti Smith


Year of the Monkey

Patti Smith


Crossroads: In Search of the Moments that Changed Music

Mark Radcliffe


A Year with Swollen Appendices: Brian Eno's Diary

Brian Eno


Finding the Raga: An Improvisation on Indian Music

Amit Chaudhuri


My Rock 'n' Roll Friend

Tracey Thorn


Excavate!: The Wonderful and Frightening World of The Fall

Mr Bob Stanley and Tessa Norton
