Winning Results with Google AdWords, Second Edition
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Run a Profitable Google AdWords Campaign
Reach millions of targeted new customers at the precise moment they're looking for the products and services you're selling with help from this hands-on guide. Winning Results with Google AdWords, Second Edition reveals the latest strategies for writing successful ads, selecting and grouping specific keywords, increasing conversion rates, and maximizing online sales. You'll also learn how to expand your ad distribution, test and tweak your ads, track results, and much more. Find out how boost visibility and increase profits with a Google AdWords campaign!
- Create strategic groups of ads and keywords
- Understand Google's Quality Score ad ranking system and quality-based bidding
- Use the keyword tool to your advantage
- Develop a successful bidding strategy
- Write, test, and refine winning ads
- Filter out inappropriate prospects
- Expand proven ad campaigns
- Measure success using Google Analytics and other methods
- Increase conversion rates
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