Judy Bartkowiak
Judy Bartkowiak is an author of NLP books, neuro linguistic programming and her books will help you understand your children and teens and help them with whatever is troubling them. Some of the books are to be read by them and contain little exercises, things to reflect on and explanations as to how their though patterns create feelings that get in the way of their happiness and wellbeing.
In addition to my own books, you will find books I use myself to help in my own training and self-development; crystals, essential oils, mindfulness, CBT, TA (transactional analysis), Matrix Reimprinting, Birth and Fertility and all manner of interesting topics around sustaining a healthy family.
These are all books I am familiar with and can recommend. If you would like me to review your book to add to my shop, please get in touch.
I also write children's books as JudyBee so they can be found here too.
Come in and have a browse, stop and chat too. Maybe I can help you find just the book you need.
Not all my books are in Bookshop.org yet (I'm working on it!) get in touch to buy anything you can't find as I have stock in my office.