Welsh Book Shop
Welcome to the Welsh Book Shop where we hope to offer you a variety of books with a Welsh flavour. We have a great selection of books available already but will be adding more books as time goes on. Shop with us and help support local Welsh writers and local book shops.
Scroll down and check out our selections but if you don't find anything you like remember you can always use the Search box at the top of the website :)
We also run the following websites where we aim to help Welsh authors, especially those overlooked by the arts establishment in Wales:
- The Writers of Wales A to Z database - www.welshwriters.co.uk
- International Poetry Book Awards - www.poetrybookawards.co.uk - promoting indies and self published poets
- The International Welsh Poetry Competition - www.welshpoetry.co.uk - the biggest contest in Wales
- Publish & Print - www.publishandprint.co.uk - a self publishing company looking to help poets get into print
Make sure to add a bookmark to our shop so you can use it whenever you want to buy books online.
Header image by cottonbro studio (Pexels)