Theatre studies

Plays by Musau MM

Musau Muhammad


Who Needs Enemies

Joanne Watkinson


Myths & Ms.

Rosie Rosenzweig


The Freisch Tz Phenomenon: Opera as Cultural Mirror

Donald G Henderson


Die Orestie: Agamemnon

Aischylos and J G Droysen


Dramatic Works

Krasiński Zygmunt


Salle de Cinema


Oregon Shakespeare Festival

Kathleen F Leary, Amy E Richard, et al.



Rachel Cox


The Works of Shakespere: Revised from the Best Authorities,...

William Shakespeare and Barry Cornwall


Baby Crib: The Complex and I Ski Maybell

Michael Jp Williams


Macbeth (King's Classics)

William Shakespeare



Steve "Spike" Wong


Libretto: Memories from a Shoebox

I V Mazzoleni


My Dear Watson: Bernard Shaw's Letters to a Critic

George Bernard Shaw


The Disappearance of Sadie Jones

Hannah Silva


Th tre Et Interculturalit



This Same Jesus

Gladys C Young
