Place names & gazetteers



El piojito andaluz II

Mariano Villalón Alonso

The Toll-houses of Norfolk

Patrick Taylor


Pocket Place Names of Hawaii

etc., Et Al, et al.


The Streets of Brum

Carl Chinn


The Street Names of Oxford

Marilyn Yurdan


West Kent Place Names - the Homes of Kentish Men and Maids

Anthony Poulton-Smith


Liverpool A-Z Street Atlas

A-Z maps


Names on Svalbard

Eli Johanne Ellingsve


Indian Names in Michigan

Virgil J. Vogel


Handbook of Geographical Nicknames

Harold S. Sharp


Edinburgh A-Z Street Atlas

A-Z maps


Southampton A-Z Street Atlas

A-Z maps


London Cemeteries: An Illustrated Guide and Gazetteer

Brian Parsons and Hugh Meller


Scottish Place Names

George Mackay


Brooklyn By Name: How the Neighborhoods, Streets, Parks,...

Leonard Benardo and Jennifer Weiss


What's in a London Pub Name?

James Potts Sam Cullen


London A-Z Pocket Atlas

A-Z maps


Irish Place Names

Laurence Flanagan and Deirdre Flanagan
