Data analysis: general

Evolución de la teoría fundamentada como técnica de análisis...

Antonio García-Nieto Gómez-Guillamón, Jaime Andréu Abela, et al.

Análisis de datos electorales

Francisco A. Ocaña and Pablo Oñate

Big Data

Montserrat García Alsina

El análisis de segmentación

Modesto Escobar Mercado

Alba de gloria

Alfonso R.Castelao (Introd.M.A.Seixas)

Covid By Numbers: Making Sense of the Pandemic with Data

Anthony Masters and David Spiegelhalter


Taking the Fear Out of Data Analysis: Completely Revised,...

Georgios Halkias, Adamantios Diamantopoulos, et al.


How to Design, Implement, and Analyse a Survey

Anthony Arundel


WaPOR V2 quality assessment: technical report on the data...

Food and Agriculture Organization


Contribution a l'analyse des modeles multisectoriels:...

McNeill Gilbert McNeill


Robuste Schaetzung von ARMA-Modellen unter Verwendung von...

Forster Michael Forster


Modelling Generalized Linear (Loglinear) Models for Raters...

Adebowale Olusola Adejumo


Entwicklungsplaene und wirtschaftliche Wirklichkeit:-...

Eisenmann Rolf Eisenmann
