Cognitive science
Cognitive and Social Neuroscience of Aging
Massachusetts) Gutchess Angela (Brandeis University
Clinical Systems and Programming in Human Services...
University and Center for Social Development and Education College of Advancing and Professional Studies Jill M. (Instructor, USA) Bird Pennsylvania New England Melmark Frank L. (Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer, et al.
The Science of Human Intelligence
Earl (University of Washington) Hunt, Irvine) Haier Richard J. (University of California, et al.
From Perception to Pleasure: The Neuroscience of Music and...
Montreal Neurological Institute Professor McGill University; Co-director Montreal Neurological Institute Robert (Professor
The Conscious Brain: How Attention Engenders Experience
CUNY Graduate Center) Prinz Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Jesse J. (Distinguished Professor of Philosophy
Autistics in Academia: Narratives of Work, Adversity, and...
New South Wales) Thom-Jones Sandra (University of Wollongong
Sensorimotor Life: An enactive proposal
University of the Basqu Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science Postdoctoral researcher Thomas (Postdoctoral researcher, and Soci Mind IAS-Research Centre for Life Department of Philosophy Researcher and Lecturer Xabier (Researcher and Lecturer, et al.
Experiencing Art: In the Brain of the Beholder
USA) Shimamura CA Berkeley Berkeley University of California Professor Arthur (Professor
The Ritual Animal: Imitation and Cohesion in the Evolution of...
University of Oxford) Whitehouse Chair of Social Anthropology Harvey (Chair of Social Anthropology
What Babies Know: Core Knowledge and Composition Volume 1
Department of Psychology Marshall L. Berkman Professor of Psychology Elizabeth S. (Marshall L. Berkman Professor of Psychology
How Your Brain Is Wired: An Owner's Manual
Crawford Hollingworth and Cathy Tomlinson
The Legal Brain: A Lawyer's Guide to Well-Being and Better...
Debra S. (University of Denver) Austin
The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams
Ph.D. (Boston University School of Medicine ) McNamara Patrick