Non-Western philosophy

Die Welt des Islam: Rezipiert und dargestellt durch Jos....

El-Gohary Baher El-Gohary


Spirituality for the Godless: Buddhism, Humanism, and Religion

Michael (University of Liverpool) McGhee


The Way of Awareness in Daoist Philosophy

James Giles


J.Krishnamurti and Saint Karir: A Study in Depth

Rohit Mehta and Shridevi Mehta


Avicenna and the Aristotelian Left

Ernst Bloch


Canon of Reason and Virtue, The



Rethinking Philosophy of Religion with Wittgenstein:...

China) Carroll Professor Thomas D. (The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Insubordinate Spaces: Improvisation and Accompaniment for...

Barbara Tomlinson and George Lipsitz


Knowledge, Belief, and Witchcraft: Analytic Experiments in...

Barry Hallen and J. Olubi Sodipo


In Praise of Folly

Desiderius Erasmus


Facets Of Buddhism



An Introduction to African Philosophy

Sam O. Imbo


Justice, Humanity and Social Toleration

Xunwu Chen


Living Earth Manual of Feng Shui: Chinese Geomancy

Dr Stephen Skinner
