Non-Western philosophy

Cultures Differ Differently: Selected Essays of S.N....

S. N. Balagangadhara


Living with the Dead: On Death, the Dead, and Immortality

USA) Wisnewski J. Jeremy (Hartwick College


Vedic Metaphysics

Jagadguru Svami Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji Maharaja


The Living Thoughts of Gotama the Buddha

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy and I.B. Horner


African Philosophy in Search of Identity

D. A. Masolo


The Book of Dawn and Invocations: Search for Philosophic...

Ogonna Agu and Sujai Seheri


Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy

Yogi Ramacharaka


The Conference of the Birds

Farid Attar


Art of War (Keepsake Edition)

Sun Tzu


Why the World Does Not Exist

Markus Gabriel


An Aesthetics Anthology

ZONG Baihua


The Analects



The Character of Logic in India

Bimal Krishna Matilal


Development of Seership: Hindoo and Oriental Methods

Rhakta Vishita and Swami Bhakta Vishita


Wisdom Of The East: Abu'l Ala The Syrian

Henry Baerlein


The Problem of Rebirth: An Enquiry into the Basis of the...

Ralph Shirley
