Philosophy of religion

Why We Believe: Finding Meaning in Uncertain Times

Oxford University) McGrath Prof. Alister (Professor of Historical Theology


Believe: Why Everyone Should Be Religious

Ross Douthat


Spiritual Intelligence in Seven Steps

Mark Vernon


The Happiness Hypothesis: Ten Ways to Find Happiness and...

Jonathan Haidt


A Purpose for Life: Service

Alexander Zax


Crossing the Wasteland

Samuel B Southwell


Transforming Homeboy: Man or Mankey

Charlie Soul


The Ultimate Truth

Keith N Ferreira


The Judas Church: An Obsession With Sex

Kevin (RNIB) Carey


Selected Essays

Soren Kierkegaard


Give Me This Mountain...

Dr Abraham Peters


Religion, A Dialogue, Etc.: The Essays Of Arthur Schopenhauer

T. Bailey Saunders


The Trinity

Glen C Cutlip


Transonic Communicator

Glen C Cutlip


It Is God: Not Who is God, But What is God

Lois Mayette
