
Medicine and Jewish Law

Fred Rosner


The Call of Freedom

Karen Rabbi Gluckstern-Reiss


Jewish Life Cycle

Sam Rabbi Kieffer


Visions of Holiness in the Everyday

Nina Beth Cardin


Chronology and Papponomy

B. E. Scolnic


Talmud of Babylonia XVI: Bavli Tractate Nazir

Jacob Neusner


Lectures On The History Of The Jewish Church V3: From The...

Arthur Penrhyn Stanley


Daniel and the Inter-Biblical Period

B H Carroll and James Britton Cranfill


The Bedside Torah

Miriyam Glazer and Bradley Artson


The Responsa Anthology

Avraham Yaakov Finkel


Index Philoneus

Gunter Mayer


Jewish Alternatives in Love, Dating and Marriage

Rabbi Pinchas Stolper


Studies in Jewish Preaching: Middle Ages

Israel Bettan


Why ME God?



Shepherd of Jerusalem: Biography of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook

Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins
