Hispanic & Latino studies

South American Independence: Gender, Politics, Text

Claire Brewster, University of Manchester (United Kingdom)) Owen Languages and Cultures Hilary (School of Arts, et al.


History of Latinos: Exploring Diverse Roots

Pablo R. Mitchell


North from Mexico: The Spanish-Speaking People of the United...

Carey McWilliams, Matt S. Meier, et al.


Latina/o American Health and Mental Health: Practices and...

Erica T. Sosa and Leticia Arellano-Morales Ph.D.


The Politics of Blackness: Racial Identity and Political...

Milwaukee) Mitchell-Walthour Gladys L. (University of Wisconsin


Tecpan Guatemala: A Modern Maya Town In Global And Local Context

Carol Hendrickson and Edward F Fischer


Japanese Diaspora and Migration Reconsidered

Yvonne Siemann


Rooster / Gallo

Jorge Lujn and Manuel Monroy


Intro to Latin American Humanities

Ana Caldero-Figueroa and Lester Sandres Rapalo


Latinos and the Law: Cases and Materials

Leticia M. Saucedo, Marc-Tizoc Gonzalez, et al.


ABC's From Ecuador, With Hope

Cameron Graham Vivanco and Kelly Cox Vivanco



Cecile Pineda


The Law of Conservation

Mariana Spada


The Hurting Kind: Poems

Ada Limn


The Yellow Heart

Pablo Neruda


Abuelita y Yo

Leonarda Carranza and Rafael Mayani
