Hispanic & Latino studies
Candidate Matters: A Study of Ethnic Parties, Campaigns, and...
Assistant Professor of Political Science an Karleen Jones (Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations
A Port in Global Capitalism: Unveiling Entangled Accumulation...
Brazil) Leite Goncalves Guilherme (State University of Rio de Janeiro and Germany) Costa Freie Universitat Berlin Sergio (Lateinamerika-Institut
Resolana: Emerging Chicano Dialogues on Community and...
Tomas Atencio, E. A. ""Tony"" Mares, et al.
Democracies and Dictatorships in Latin America: Emergence,...
Anibal (University of Pittsburgh) Perez-Linan and Indiana) Mainwaring Scott (University of Notre Dame
Tax Evasion and the Rule of Law in Latin America: The...
Marcelo (CIDE (Research Center for Teaching Economics)) Bergman
Mexican Americans and the Law: yEl Pueblo UNIDO Jamas Sera...
Reynaldo Anaya Valencia, Sonia R. Garcia, et al.