Marxism & Communism

How To Change The World: Tales of Marx and Marxism

Eric Hobsbawm


Capital: Volume II

Karl Marx


The Communist Manifesto

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels


The Radical Jewish Tradition: Revolutionaries, Resistance...

Donny Gluckstein and Janey Stone


Capital: Volume III

Karl Marx


Capital: Volumes One and Two

Karl Marx


Karl Marx's Capital

A.D. Lindsay


The Right's Road to Serfdom: The Danger of Conservatism...

Christopher Favrot Arndt


Bernie Sanders for President and The Communist Manifesto

Karl Marx and Senator Bernie Sanders


Astride Two Worlds

Louise Gherasim and Teodor Gherasim


Kritiko de la Gotaa Programo

Karlo Markso


The Materialist Conception of History

G V Plekhanov


Marx, Reason, And the Art of Freedom

Kevin M. Brien
