International economics

Social Economy: Cooperatives

Vrajlal Sapovadia and MS Sweta Patel


Risk Management Classical Case Studies

John Chibaya Mbuya


Match Fixing: the Economic Partnership Agreement between EU...

Gudmundsen Ask and Petersen Kasper Bjerring


Propuesta de un modelo estrategico de globalizacion economica

Hernandez Contreras Fernando


Privlechenie pryamykh inostrannykh investitsiy v ekonomiku...

Azamatova Rimma and Ballieva Khalimat


Globalizacion cultural en la Era Digital

Gonzalez Arencibia Mario


Agriculture and Trade Liberalization in Colombia

Ricardo Arguello


Exchange Rate and Exports Growth

Amit Kumar Basantaray


International Interdependence and Conflict Mitigation

Jaswal Isha and Rizvi Halima


Caracterizacion del Complejo Oleaginoso de Buenos Aires

Hugo Alfredo Cetrangolo and Gustavo Mozeris


Globalization in India

Thomas Heinzl


Heterogeneity on the Commons

Sirisha Naidu


Development and Integration of Global Stock Markets

Krishna Reddy Chittedi


Globalization, Integration and Transition

Helena Marques, Monica Ioana Pop Silaghi, et al.


Global Marketing for Australian Education

Nattavud Pimpa


Small International Firms

Arild Aspelund


Korporatīvā Kultūras Diplomātija

Buiko Kristīne


Die Analyse von Risikomanagement bei der Kreditvergabe

Salamon Cornelia Anna


Crisis mundial y exportacion de vinos

Dominguez Maria Magdalena and Guevara M M Federica


The Effectiveness of Tax Incentives

Carlos Liard-Muriente


Searching for the Right Market Risk Premium

Steffi M Braun
