Market research

Consumer Financial Behavior

W. Fred van Raaij


The Digital Metrics Field Guide: The Definitive Reference for...

Stephen D. Rappaport


Neuromarketing in India: Understanding the Indian Consumer

Tanusree Dutta and Manas Kumar Mandal


Emotion and Reason in Consumer Behavior

Arjun Chaudhuri


Essentials of Marketing Research

Peter Wills, Naresh Malhotra, et al.


Consumer Behaviour

Rik (Tilburg University) Pieters, Monash University) Chan Eugene (Monash Business School, et al.


Marketing Research: Approaches, Methods and Applications in...

Ray (University of Stirling) Kent


The Consumer Insights Revolution: Transforming market...

Steve Phillips, Ryan Barry, et al.


Marketing Research: Delivering Customer Insight

UK) Wilson Alan (University of Strathclyde


Fundamentals of Marketing Research

Scott M. Smith and Gerald S. Albaum


The Market Research Toolbox: A Concise Guide for Beginners

Edward F. (Francis) McQuarrie


Sense of Place and Place Attachment in Tourism

Girish Prayag, Ning Chris Chen, et al.


The Handbook of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Measurement

Jim Alexander and Nigel Hill
