Road vehicle manufacturing industry

A Profile of the Global Auto Industry: Innovation and Dynamics

Mike Smitka and Peter Warrian


Plastics in Packing


The Story of Harley-Davidson: A Tribute to an American Icon

John Westlake


Coventry's Motorcar Heritage

Damien Kimberley


Ludicrous: The Unvarnished Story of Tesla Motors

Edward Niedermeyer


Ford Mustang 60 Years

Donald Farr


All Corvettes Are Red

James Schefter


Biochemie Der Ernahrung

Dr Welzl Ermin


Unwinding Electric Motors: Strategic Perspectives and...

Timothy George Thoppil


Automotive Health: Gesundheit im Auto im (Ruck-)Spiegel der...

Julia Van Berck, Manfred Knye, et al.


Growing the Automotive Supply Chain: the Road Forward

Matthias Holweg, Yung Tran, et al.





Cortès i Cots Jesús

Zoom: The Global Race to Fuel the Car of the Future

Vijay Vaitheeswaran and Iain Carson


Time for a Model Change: Re-engineering the Global Automotive...

Graeme P. Maxton and John Wormald


Making Cars at Cowley

Gillian Bardsley and Stephen Laing


Co-op Transport

Bill Aldridge
