International criminal law

Computer Crime Law

Orin S. Kerr


The UN International Criminal Tribunals: The Former...

Galway) Schabas William A. (National University of Ireland


The Obligation to Extradite or Prosecute

International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea) Kittichaisaree Judge Kriangsak (Judge


International Criminal Law in a Nutshell

David P. Stewart


Punishing Atrocities through a Fair Trial: International...

New Jersey) Hafetz Jonathan (Seton Hall University


Habeas Corpus in International Law

Brian R. (University of Iowa) Farrell


The Subjects and Subjectivities of International Criminal...

UK) Haslam Emily (Kent Law School


Control Beyond the State: Transnational Counter-Terrorism Law

UK) Murphy Dr Cian C (King's College London
