Speech & language disorders & therapy

Simple Counseling

Michael R. Chial and Michael J. Flahive


Augmentative & Alternative Communication: Supporting Children...

Pat Mirenda and David R. Beukelman


Resilienz in Therapeutischen Gesundheitsfachberufen:...

Sabine Degenkolb-Weyers


Phonological Awareness for Literacy (PAL)

University of Queensland


Aphasia Impact Questionnaire - I: A ring bound hard cover...

Kate Swinburn, Gillian Porter, et al.


Clinical Decision Making in Fluency Disorders

Walter H. Manning and Anthony Dilollo


Stammering Its Cause and Cure

Benjamin Nathaniel Bogue


Language And Motor Speech Disorders In Adults

Robert Goldfarb and Harvey Halpern


Handbook to Service the Deaf and Hard of Hearing: A Bridge to...

John W. Adams and Pamela Rohring


Motricidad Orofacial. Fundamentos basados en evidencias....

Irene Merchesan, Ricardo Santos, et al.

Abecedario de los Fonemas (Anexos)

Elena Campo Martínez and Mª Carmen Romero Blanco

Professional Communication in Speech-Language Pathology: How...

Laura B. Willis and A. Embry Burns


School Programs in Speech-Language Pathology: Organization...

Jean L. Blosser and Jennifer Walsh Means
