Galaxies & stars
The Analysis of Starlight: Two Centuries of Astronomical...
New Zealand) Hearnshaw Christchurch John B. (University of Canterbury
The Origin and Evolution of Planetary Nebulae
University of Calgary) Kwok Sun (Dean of Science and Chair Professor of Physics
Physics of the Pulsar Magnetosphere
Moscow) Istomin Ya. N (P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute, Moscow) Gurevich A. V. (P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute, et al.
Extreme Stars: At the Edge of Creation
Urbana-Champaign) Kaler James B. (University of Illinois
Stars and Galaxies
Michael (Franklin and Marshall College) Seeds and Michael (Joseph A. Grundy Observatory) Seeds
Evolution and Seismology of Red Giant Stars
Belgium) Noels Professor Arlette (Universite de Liege and UK) Miglio Dr Andrea (University of Birmingham
Handbook of Pulsar Astronomy
University of Manchester) Lorimer D. R. (Jodrell Bank and University of Manchester) Kramer M. (Jodrell Bank
The Gravitational Million–Body Problem: A Multidisciplinary...
New Jersey) Hut Princeton Piet (Institute for Advanced Study and Douglas (University of Edinburgh) Heggie