Particle & high-energy physics

Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics

Thomas K. Gaisser


Double Chooz and Reactor Neutrino Oscillation: _13...

Thiago Junqueira de Castro Bezerra


Atome, Festkoerper, Kerne, Teilchen

Herbert Daniel


Emission Detectors

Russia) Bolozdynya Alexander I


An Introduction to Gauge Theories and Modern Particle Physics...

Elliot Leader and Enrico Predazzi


Nuclei with Z=1....54

Sergey I Sukhoruchkin and Zoya N Soroko


Cosmology Beyond Einstein

Adam Ross Solomon


Atoms I / Atome I

E.Richard Cohen, Jesse W. M. DuMond, et al.


Cosmological Implications of Quantum Anomalies

Neil David Barrie


Vocabulari d'acceleradors de partícules

Josep Campmany Guillot, Servei de Llengües i terminologia, et al.