Life sciences: general issues

The Light Eaters: The New Science of Plant Intelligence

Zoe Schlanger


A Little Gay Natural History

Josh L. Davis


Human Physiology


Fortschritte der Botanik

Hermann Merxmuller, Heinz Ellenberg, et al.


Biologie und Medizin

Ludwig Bertalanffy


Ein Beitrag zur Desmidiaceenflora des Lungaues

Walter Url and Siegfried Pruzsinszky


Plant and Crop Physiology


Freie Durchforstung

Carl Robert Heck


The Diabetic Pancreas

Bruno W. Volk and Edward R. Arquilla


Plant Structure: Function and Development

Zygmunt Hejnowicz, Jane F. Hill, et al.


Kernel-based Data Fusion for Machine Learning: Methods and...

Leon-Charles Tranchevent, Bart Moor, et al.


CURTIS:Biolog'a 7a. Ed.


Biomonitoring of Water and Waste Water

Krishna Gopal and Anju Agrawal
