Electronics engineering

Electronics All-in-One For Dummies - UK

Dickon Ross and Doug Lowe


On the Buses

Lawrence Martin


Introduction to Embedded Systems: Using Microcontrollers and...

Manuel Jimenez, Rogelio Palomera, et al.


The Friendly Audio Guide

Mark Fleischmann


Cognitive Radio Receiver Front-Ends: RF/Analog Circuit...

Bodhisatwa Sadhu and Ramesh Harjani


FL Studio Mobile


Ekv Mosfet Model


Femap Nastran....

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Kimber Woods


Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer

Simon Taylor


Transportronics: An Introduction to Transportation Electronics

Pushkin Kachroo and Neveen Shlayan


Understand Electronics

Australia) Bishop Perth Owen (Technical Author


Power Electronics


Synthesizable VHDL Design for FPGAs

Djones Vinicius Lettnin and Eduardo Augusto Bezerra


In-Circuit Test


Discrete-Time High Order Neural Control: Trained with Kalman...

Alexander G. Loukianov, Edgar N. Sanchez, et al.
