
LEGO Gadgets

Editors of Klutz


The LEGO Technic Idea Book: Fantastic Contraptions

Yoshihito Isogawa


Micro-Nanorobotic Manipulation Systems and Their Applications

Toshio Fukuda, Fumihito Arai, et al.


Exoskeletons in Rehabilitation Robotics: Tremor Suppression

Jose L. Pons and Eduardo Rocon


Underactuated Robotic Hands

Thierry Laliberte, Clement M. Gosselin, et al.


Robotic Manipulators


Soccer Robotics

Yong-Jae Kim, Kiam Tian Seow, et al.


Robotics: Science and Systems VII


Efficient Topology Estimation for Large Scale Optical Mapping

Armagan Elibol, Nuno Gracias, et al.


Robot Hands And Multi-fingered Haptic Interfaces:...

Japan) Kawasaki Haruhisa (Gifu Univ


Self-Organizing Robots

Haruhisa Kurokawa and Satoshi Murata


Integrated Visual Servoing and Force Control: The Task Frame...

Joris de Schutter and Johan Baeten
