Aviation skills / piloting


Mary Shelley


Instrument Flight for Army Aviators: The Official U.S. Army...

U.S. Department of the Army and Army Training and Doctrine Command


Pilot's Avionics Survival Guide

Edward R. Maher


The Soaring Pilot's Manual: Second Edition

Ken Stewart


The Cooper Flight Instructor Manual

A Dennis Cooper and Bruce Pultz


Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3a)

Federal Aviation Administration, U S Department of Transportation, et al.


AIAA Guide for Human Performance Measurements

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics


Cleared for Takeoff

Scott Kaye


Propeller Aerodynamics

Frank E Hitchens


What Went Wrong: Twenty Years of Airline Accidents (1996 to...

Graham Deighton


Fundamentals of Aircrew Performance

Adrian Rycroft


Charles A. Lindbergh: A Bio-Bibliography

Perry Luckett


Aeronautical Knowledge Meteorology

Jeremy M Pratt


Basic Aerobatics

Geza Szurovy


The Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, Fifth Edition

Paul Illman and Gene Gailey


Automation Airmanship: Nine Principles for Operating Glass...

Christopher Lutat and S. Ryan Swah
