Wildlife: butterflies, other insects & spiders

The Incredible Pop-up Bug: With 20 flaps to lift and GIANT...

Ben Hoare and Jasmine Floyd


The Thermal Warriors

Berkeley) Heinrich Bernd (Univ. of California


The Singing Snail

Alanna Betambeau


The Praying Mantis: A Manifestation of God, Come to Earth

Jr Daniels Lester Wayne


Spiders of New Zealand: And Their Worldwide Kin

Lyn Forster and Ray Forster


The World of Harvester Ants

S. Taber


The Season of the Cicadas

Jr Daniels Lester Wayne


Abecedarian Insectarium: Bugs and Insects A to Z

Lynn Stephens Massey


Collins Field Guide - Butterflies of Britain and Europe

Richard Lewington and Tom Tolman


Butterflies of Britain and Europe

Tom Tolman and Richard Lewington


Collins Gem - Butterflies

Michael Chinery


Locusts and Wild Honey

John Burroughs


Calvin the Caterpillar

Joey Perl and Therese Berkowitz


La vida secreta de los insectos

José Carlos Otero González

Jesus Healed the Butterfly

Michelle D Armstrong
