Wildlife: butterflies, other insects & spiders

Studies In Insect Life and Natural History

Everett Shipley Arthur


Butterflies in the Backyard

Scott Shalaway


Bramble-Bees and Others

Jean-Henri Fabre





The Dangerous World of Butterflies

Peter Laufer


Natures Way Fun & Simple: To Suit All Ages

Beryl Hollands


Fur And Feather: Fly-tying For Trout

Peter Leuver


Reasons to Bee 2022 Wall Calendar

Willow Creek Press


Bermuda's Flying Flowers

Ras Mykkal Simons


Insects of the Eastern Larch, Cedar, and Juniper

O.H. Lindquist, K.L. Nystrom, et al.


The Pollen Wasps

Sarah Gess


First lessons in beekeeping

C P Dadant


El libro de las abejas

Varios Autores

Pocket Guide to Insects

Bob Gibbons


A Naturalist's Guide to the Insects of Australia

Rachel Whitlock and Peter Rowland


100 insectos y otros invertebrados fácilmente identificables

JAUME SAÑE I PONS and Richard Denys;Lewington Ovenden

Observar los insectos

Jean-Jacques Bignon