Fishing, angling

Bass Fishing on Shore and Sea

John Darling


Fish, Fishing and the Meaning of Life

Jeremy Paxman


It Ain't about the Fish

Gerry Tolman


Spinning And Bait Fishing For Salmon And Trout

H. Cholmondelay-Pennell



Sylvester Nemes


Mid-Atlantic Budget Angler

Ann McIntosh


On the Waters: The Joys of Fly-Fishing

Raymond W Kucharski


Ultimate Guide to Surfcasting

Ron Arra and Curt Garfield


Fishing the European Coast

Mike Smylie


As I Remember: Commercial Fishing Bootlegging

Kenneth H. Cutcher


Just Fishing Talk

III Pinchot Gifford


A Longshore Fisherman

Jack Maple


Fish Tales

Julia Hopton
