Mysteries, the supernatural, monsters & mythological beings (Children’s/Teenage)

Haunted Ships and Lighthouses

Thomas Kingsley Troupe


When a Dragon Moves In Again

Jodi Moore and Howard McWilliam


The Might of the Minotaur

David Campiti


Goblins: Fairy Tale Creatures

Emma Huddleston





Giants: Fairy Tale Creatures

Mark L. Lewis


Genies: Fairy Tale Creatures

Sophie Geister-Jones


The Bermuda Triangle

Meg Gaertner


The World’s Meanest Monsters

S.L. Hamilton



Lily Loye


Lost Lands

Kenny Abdo


Amelia Earhart's Final Flight

Megan Cooley Peterson



Ryan Gale


The Young Witch's Guide to Magick

Cassandra Eason and Laura Tolton



Lisa Owings



Thomas Kingsley Troupe


Mov la mano / I Moved My Hand

Jorge Lujn and Mandana Sadat


Forgotten Kings and Kingdoms

Robyn Hardyman


Quest Kids and the Dark Prophecy of Doug

Mark Leiknes


Kolmanskop: The Diamond Mine Ghost Town

Christina Leaf


Quest Kids and the Dragon Pants of Gold

Mark Leiknes


Greyhart: Until Death Do Us Part

D L Millan
