Autobiography: general

We Will Not Be Saved: A memoir of hope and resistance in the...



The Corfu Trilogy

Gerald Durrell


These Precious Days

Ann Patchett


Persepolis I & II

Marjane Satrapi


Cider With Rosie

Laurie Lee


Kitchen Confidential: Insider's Edition

Anthony Bourdain


The Paris Trilogy: A Life in Three Stories

Colombe Schneck


Local: A Search for Nearby Nature and Wildness

Alastair Humphreys


In My Time of Dying: How I Came Face to Face with the Idea of...

Sebastian Junger


Around the World in 80 Years: A Life of Exploration

Ranulph Fiennes


Down the Drain

Julia Fox


African Meditations

Felwine Sarr


The Turkish Embassy Letters (1763)

Mary Wortley Montagu



Marcus Aurelius


Wavewalker: Breaking Free

Suzanne Heywood


The Reason I Jump: one boy's voice from the silence of autism

Naoki Higashida


My Name Is Why

Lemn Sissay


Sociopath: A Memoir

Patric Gagne


The Ship Beneath the Ice: Sunday Times Bestseller - The...


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